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当前位置:首页 > 在国外怎么用英语点餐?




  一、 找餐桌(Finding a table)


  A table for four, please.请安排一张四人用餐的桌子。

  Can I have the table by the window? 我可以坐窗边的那张桌子吗?

  Have you got a table for two? 你们有两人用餐的桌子吗?

  2. 如果你不满意座位安排

  I don't care for this table. 我不喜欢这张桌子。

  I prefer the one in that quiet corner. 我喜欢安静角落里的那张桌子。

  Is the table free, waiter? 服务员,这张桌子空着吗?

  No, it's too close to the doo. 不行,这个离门太近了。

  3. 确认用餐位置

  Thank you, we'll take it. 谢谢你,我们就坐这儿。

  Well, it doesn't matter, we’ll take it. 好吧,没关系,我们就坐这儿。

  二、点菜(Ordering dishes)

  1. 询问菜单

  Have you a menu, please? 有菜单吗?

  Let me look at the menu. 让我看看菜单。

  Please show me the menu. 请把菜单给我看。

  Waiter, we'd like a menu, please. 服务员,我们要一份菜单。

  2. 服务员询问是否可以点菜

  Are you ready to order, sir? 您准备点菜了吗,先生?

  Can I take your order now? 现在可以请您点菜了吗?

  Have yon chosen something? 您选好菜了吗?

  Have you decided on something, sir? 您决定点什么菜了,先生?

  May I take your order? 点菜吗?

  Would you like to order now, sir? 现在您想点菜吗,先生?

  3. 让服务员推荐菜品

  What are your specialities? 你们有什么特色菜?

  What do you have today for breakfast? 今天早餐你们供应什么?

  What kind of seafood do you have? 你们有哪些海味?

  What's good today? 今天有什么好吃的?

  What's special for tonight? 今晚有什么特色菜?

  4. 服务员推荐菜品

  I can recommend the roast beef. 我可以推荐烤牛肉。

  There's salad and cold ham. 有色拉和冷火腿

  Today's speciality is roast pork chops.今天的特色菜是烤猪排

  We specialize in oast duck. 我们专做烤鸭

  5. 服务员引导点菜

  And any vegetables? 要点蔬菜吗?

  Anything else? 别的还要什么?

  Anything to drink? 喝什么饮料?

  Do you want any soup? 要汤吗?

  How about the desert? 甜点要什么?

  What dishes would you like? 您要什么菜?

  What kind of fish do you prefer? 你喜欢哪种鱼?

  What would you like? 您要什么?

  What would you like to begin with? 前菜要点什么?

  Will there be anything else? 别的还要什么吗?

  Would you like something to drink? 您要喝点什么吗?

  6. 点菜

  A large coke, please. 请来一大杯可乐。

  All right. I'll order the same. 行,我也点同样的。

  Anything’s all right with me. 我吃什么都行。

  Bring me two beers, please. 请来两杯啤酒

  Coke for me too, please. 我也要可乐。

  Get me some chicken salad, please. 请来点鸡肉色拉。

  I don't feel like eating much.我不想多吃。

  I prefer seafood. 我喜欢海味。

  I'd just like a coffee, please. 我就要一杯咖啡。

  It sounds good, but I'd prefer some seafood

  today. 这听起来不错,不过今天我想吃海味。

  Me too, if it's not too spicy. 如果不太辣的话我也来一份。

  No dessert, please. Just coffee. 不要甜点。就要咖啡。

  That sounds good. Let's have a try. 听上去不错。我们试试吧。

  That'll be fine for me, too. 我也同你一样吧。

  That's all, please. 就这些。

  The same for me.我也同样来一份。

  三、就餐( Having meals)

  1. 与同伴互动

  Another piece of fried steak? 再来一块炸牛排好吗?

  Come on now. You've hardly eaten anything. 来吧,你几乎都没吃。

  Do have some more, there's plenty left. 再吃一点吧,还有很多呢。

  Don't you want to have any more? 你不想再吃点吗?

  Eat a little fish, please. 请吃一点鱼。

  Have some and I'm sure you'll like it. 吃一点试试,我肯定你会喜欢的。

  Make yourself at home. 别客气。

  Help yourself to anything you like. 请随便挑你喜欢的吃。

  Help yourself to some roast duck. 随便吃点烤鸭吧。

  Here, have another one.来,再来一个。

  Let me get you some more wine. 我来给你再斟点酒。

  Let me help you to some fish. 我来给你夹点鱼。

  Oh, come on, do have some more. 哦,来吧,再吃一点吧。

  Try some of this, please.请尝尝这个。

  Will you take some soup? 你要喝点汤吗?

  All right, but only a small piece. 好的,不过只要一小块。

  All right, just a bit. 好的,只要一点点。

  I will trouble you for a little. 那就麻烦你给我一点儿。

  Just a little, please. 只要一点点。

  With pleasure! 好的!

  I think I could do with one more piece.我想我还能再吃一块。

  2. 吃饱喝足

  No more, thanks. 够了,谢谢。

  No, thank you. I’ve had plenty.不吃了,谢谢你。我已经吃了很多。

  I don't feel like any, thanks.我不想吃了,谢谢。

  I don't think I could eat another bite. 我想我一口也吃不下了。

  I just can't manage any more.我真是再也吃不下了。

  I'm afraid I can't take a drop more.我恐怕再喝一滴也不行了。

  I'm quite full.我已经吃饱了。

  I'm ready to burst.我饱得不得了。

  I'm sorry, but I'm really full up.对不起,我真的吃饱了。

  It's really delicious, but I honestly couldn’t eat any more. 这味道的确很好,不过我实在一点也吃不下去。

  I've had quite enough.我已经吃饱了。
