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  1. Hello. 您好

  2. How do you do? 您好

  3. Good morning.早上好

  4. Good afternoon.下午好

  5. Good evening.晚上好

  6. You must be Professor Smith.我想您就是史密斯教授吧!

  7. Excuse me. Are you Mrs.Best?请原谅,您是贝斯特夫人吗?

  8. Hello, Mr.Best.贝斯特先生,您好!

  9. Allow me to introduce myself. 请让我自我介绍一下。

  10. Excuse me, but may I ask your name? 对不起,请问尊姓大名。

  11. May I introduce Mr.C? 请让我介绍C先生。

  12. May I help you? 要我帮忙吗?

  13. Let me give you a hand. 让我来帮您一下吧!

  14. Won't you have a bit of this cake? 请尝一点蛋糕吧!

  15. Oh, thank you.噢,谢谢了。

  16. Would you, please? 您肯帮忙?那太好了。

  17. Thank you, if it's not too much trouble. 谢谢了,如果不是太麻烦的话。

  18. I can manage. But thank you, anyway.我自己行了,但还是要谢谢您。

  19. May I ask you a question? 我可以向您提个问题吗?

  20. ----Certainly. 当然可以。

  21. Can you do me a favour? 您能帮我个忙吗?

  22. ----I will if I can. 如果我能,我愿意的。

  23. Would you speak a little louder? 请稍微说大声点。

  24. ----All right. 行。

  25. Would you mind handing me that cup? 请把那个杯子递给我,好吗?

  26. ----Not at all. 好。

  27. Would you mind if I opened the window? 我开窗,可以吗?

  28. ----Not at all. Go ahead. 好,请吧。

  29. Do you mind if I turn off the light? 我把灯关了,好吗?

  30. ----I'd rather you didn't. 我倒希望您不要关。

  31. Thank you. 谢谢您。

  32. Thanks a lot. 多谢。

  33. Thank you for your help.谢谢您的帮助。

  34. Thank you. It was very kind of you.谢谢,您太好了。

  35. I'm very much obliged to you.非常感谢您。

  36. You've done me a great favour.您帮了我大忙。

  37. You're welcome.别客气。

  38. Not at all.没什么。

  39. Don't mention it.不必谢。

  40. It was a real pleasure for me to do it.我很乐意这样做。

  41. Excuse me. 对不起。

  42. ----Certainly. 请。

  43. Oh, pardon me. 请原谅。

  44. ----That's quite all right. 没关系。

  45. Sorry. 对不起。

  46. ----It's nothing. 没什么。

  47. I'm awfully sorry. 我很抱歉。

  48. ----That doesn't matter. 没关系。

  49. ----Not at all. 没什么。

  50. ——No harm.不要紧。

  51. Please excuse me for a moment. I won't be long. 请原谅,我要走开一下,我马上回来。

  52. Excuse me for interrupting you. 请原谅我打断您了。

  53. Yes. 是的。

  54. Of course. 当然。

  55. Certainly.是这样。

  56. Right.对的。

  57. Surely.肯定是。

  58. Oh, yes. 噢,是的。

  59. Very well.很好。

  60. Exactly.完全正确。

  61. O.K. 行。 Fine.好。

  62. Splendid. 很好。

  63. Excellent.妙极了。

  64. That's true.那是真的。

  65. Yes, to be sure.是的,没错

  66. Quite so.的确是这样。

  67. By all means.当然,一定。

  68. No. 不。

  69. No, thank you.不,谢谢您。

  70. Certainly not. 一定不是。

  71. I'm afraid not.我想不是。

  72. Not quite. 不完全如此。

  73. I don't think so.我想不是。

  74. Impossible. 决不会是那样。

  75. Exactly.完全正确。

  76. I haven't the least idea.我一点儿也不知道。

  77. I can't believe it. 我不相信。

  78. Not in the least.一点儿也不。

  79. Not yet. 还没有。

  80. By no means. 决不。

  81. I hope so.我希望是这样。

  82. I think so.我想是这样。

  83. If you like.如果您喜欢。

  84. I expect so.我料想是这样。

  85. I guess it is.我猜是这样。

  86. Very likely.很可能。

  87. It's quite probable.完全有可能。

  88. So I've heard. 我听说是这样。

  89. He's probably here.他可能在这儿。

  90. Perhaps he isn't here.也许他不在这儿。

  91. I can't believe it.我不相信。

  92. He might not be here.他可能不在这儿。

  93. I'm afraid you are mistaken.我想您错了。

  94. It can't be true.这不可能是真的。

  95. I'm afraid it's a misunderstanding. 我想这是个误会。

  96. Please accept my congratulations on your promotion.请接受我对您提升的祝贺。

  97. I hear that you have won. Congratulations.听说你们赢了,祝贺你们。

  98. Let me congratulate you on your success. 祝贺您的成功。

  99. ----Thank you. 谢谢。

  100. Best wishes!----The same to you. 致以最良好的祝愿。
